Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Woodville Independents acknowledge that council has spent $4 million introducing parking meters into areas of Parramatta and that this tax cannot be easily reversed. However, we believe that their presence should not be expanded within the City and that a review of the existing parking fees and charges needs to occur so that perhaps, a more practical outcome of users within the CBD can be discussed.

Equally, the distribution of the tax collected by the council needs to more fairly reflect the entire community and not just the City Centre as is presently the case.

The community need to be able to benefit from the revenue raised in the face of the run down condition of local neighbourhood centres.


Woodville Independents believe that community developmenthelps build a strong and self-reliant community, and assists council to be responsive to community needs.

I am committed to supporting participation, involving people in decisions which effect their lives, leads to improved outcomes and develops a sense of belonging, ownership and pride in the commintiy.


Woodville Independents endorse a view, which acknowledges, that there must be equality for women in every aspect of their lives and respect for, and value of the choices, contributions and diversity of women.

They must be participants in all decision making processes and given the opportunity to be active participants in all spheres of public and private life. Their needs should be central considerations within local social / community planning and for the provision of facilities, services and programmes.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Woodville Independents endorse a vision for the future which acknowledges children's best interests as the primary consideration in the provision of services. Children have the right to care and education, and that high quality children services is an investment which develops and enhances the social, spiritual and economic well-being of the entire community.

I support this view and will promote strong and effective linkages between the range of children's services and between all levels of government, the community and private sector.


Woodville Independents share the vision that all of our community should be involved in some type of activity in sport, community recreation, fitness, outdoor recreation or in other physical activities.

We encourage people to be more active and to realise the social, health and economic benefits of participation. Medical services need to provide equitable and accessible health services across the city.

I oppose the use of illicit drugs and recognise the result from the abuse of such substances, and seek to work with authorities to involve a range of strategies including early intervention, specialist treatment and supply control.


Woodville Independents believe in sustaining the bonds of community and relationships as a major emphasis of councils. Growing loneliness and alienation translates into a variety of social and economic problems. With a proliferation of gambling, drug abuse, suicide and family breakdown, we see reflected social change and profound insecurities.

Woodville Independents seek to support and create better social mechansms which will build relationships and a sense of personal belonging within neighbourhoods.

I wish to work with and lead the council, to build a strong community framework and a renewed commitment to community organisations.


Woodville Independents acknowledge that, 'Parramatta' is an aboriginal name and as such, that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people be recognised as the traditional owners of the land by including Aboriginal people in official council ceremonies using local customary protocols such as 'Wecome to Country' or flying of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flag.

I support their right to have a practical reconciliation and quality of life equal to the wider community. With this view, I have no problem working with indigenous groups and support the continuance of the ATSI Council Advisory Commitee and applaud their past contributions.


Woodville Independents recognise that culture encompasses our diverse heritage and we also recognise that creating liveable cities is fundermental to our social well-being, long-term ecological sustainability and economic prosperity.

In Parramatta, we recognise the rights of individuals and communities to determine their own cultural identityby promoting consultation and encouraging participation.

Through my many years of experience in public life, I believe that it is essential to support and encourage full participation by people from culturally / linguistically diverse backgrounds, in local government political life.


Woodville Independents recognise that the right to free and equitable access to basic information is a cornerstone of our democratic society. Public libraries are centres for free and equitable access to learning, literature, heritage, knowledge and cultural activity.

On behalf of my Party, I support the principle, that they should be places that are safe, convenient and accessible community spaces that encourage interaction and information seeking.

Library services should also provide access for those unable to visit and thus mobile services should be provided.


Woodville Independents recognise that older people have a right to quality services and programmes that enable them to remain living in their own homes and active in their communities. I believe that we should identify and provide facilities which meet the needs of older residents to maximise their quality of life and well-being.

I support strongly, the recognition of Senior's Week as an important vehicle to reflect the valuable contribution made by older people to their communities through respect, inclusion and being sensitive to the needs of older people.

To support this aim, I recognise the important role 'Senior Centres' play in local communities.

Monday, February 2, 2009



Since March of 1993, Councillor Paul Garrard has been hold Community Precinct Meetings at both Guildford and Granville in order to keep the wider community informed on Council issues and to allow residents the opportunity to have a say and be heard on local matters.

The dates for the Woodville Precinct meeting and the South Granville Precinct meetings which are held at Guildford and Granville respectively, are listed below:

Wooodville Precinct
Tom Collins Meeting Rooms
(Next to Guildford Library)

February Saturday 7th

May Saturday 2nd

August Saturday 1st

**November Saturday 21st
(This Meeting held at Granville Town Hall)

South Granville Precinct
Granville Town Hall

February Saturday 21st

May Saturday 16th

August Saturday 15th

November Saturday 21st


Woodville Independents believe that Local Government is best placed to consult with their communities and further, that they should be given the opportunity to comment on any development or land-use control, policy or proposal that will effect their locality.

On behalf of my Party, I will seek to provide more effective methods by which community consultation should be carried out. Further, we support the development of the 'Community Engagement' area of council's activity together with a continuance of the 'Resident Panels'.

In support of our policy of inclusiveness, we will continue to hold community precinct meetings to advise / and listen to community concerns.


Woodville Independents recognise that people with a disability have a right to quality facilities and services that enable them to live and fully participate in their communities.

They must be included in council planning and regulatory actvities relating to infrastructure and council / community planning.

I believe that we must continue to develop a local 'Disability Discrimination Act Action Plan' as well as encourage improved physical access to public facilities, and ensure that local pedestrian networks are accessable to all people in the community.

Council's Access Committee is a vehicle by which new standards can be developed and progress upon their implementation monitored.


Woodville Independents recognise that young people have needs for their own specific local facilities, services and programmes that assist them in their own right and in their transition to adulthood.

It is our view that youth culture is an expression of young people's needs and beliefs. Young people should be involved in planning and delivery of services, community activity and social activities that can enhance self-respect, competence and connect to family and community. Youth Week is an important vehicle for focussing on the strengths and needs of young people to promote a sensitive approach to local youth development.

Further, to identify with our city's youth, I beleive that an effective statement can be made be establishing a 'Youth Year', perhaps 2010.

Such an occasion could galvanise our wider community in appreciating the importance of our community's greatest asset.


Woodville Independents believe that waste should be the responsibility of whoever creates it. Industry must take responsibility for that waste and give full life responsibility for the products and packaging that it creates.

Appreciating that this is a state government consideration , council needs to advocate strongly a position on recycling and more efficient behaviour by industry in their general practices within their own area of responsibility.

I believe that Parramatta needs to play a lead role in protecting and enhancing the natural and built environment in order to achieve ecologically sustainable development so that a secure future for present and future generations is obtained.

In launching 'Truck Art Recycling Week' on behalf of the Lord Mayor, last November, I stated that our waste per person in Australia has grown by 32% over the last 10 years, and that while Australia recycles about 40% of our waste, countries like Germany and Norway recycl about 70% of theirs.

We have a lot to do!


Woodville Independents recognise that Parramatta has more significant heritage items then any other place within Australia and is home to more nineteen century heritage then even Port Arthur or Norfolk Island. As their representative, I support the principles of heritage contained in the Burra Charta which establishes a framework for identifying and managing heritage places and objects.

I also recognise the role of heritage and seek to provide a balance between continuity and change ina local environment and acknowledge that this balance is critical to a rich and productive culture.

I will be promoting the point that Council needs to maintain a heritage conservation strategy which reflects our local community.


Woodville Independents believe that all residents have a right to housing that is affordable, secure and appropriate to their needs. We also recognise the importance of housing outcomes for its community, and that it is reliant on the provision and maintenance of a basic level of infrastructure facilities and services.

As the Woodville Independents' representative on Parramatta City Council, I oppose the indiscriminate increase in housing density without being able to address education, policing, health, transport and general infrastructure such as gas and water.

To this end, there must be a down zoning of the existing South Granville estate through the LEP process presently being put into place. The NSW Government's edict, that the Parramatta LGA must accept an extra 22,000 homes, must not be carried out at the expense of those areas which are already under social and physical stress.


The 'Woodville Independent Party' supports a safe and secure environment for its community. We believe that with maximum community input, we can develop a strategic Community Safety Plan that provides direction as to how to address issues such as community safety, and that such a plan should incorporate and reflect a proactive approach by the NSW police. Extra detailed attention needs to be given to frequented sites and places and where necessary, special regulation may need to be introduced to achieve community expectations.

Personally, I express some concern that the development of the new police station at Granville does not address what would seem to be a lack of policing within Guildford.

Sarcastically, one might believe that when the new police station is built, that all policing within the Rosehill Command will be carried out from Granville.

Under no circumstances, will I support any future closure of Ermington Police Station.