Monday, February 2, 2009


Woodville Independents believe that waste should be the responsibility of whoever creates it. Industry must take responsibility for that waste and give full life responsibility for the products and packaging that it creates.

Appreciating that this is a state government consideration , council needs to advocate strongly a position on recycling and more efficient behaviour by industry in their general practices within their own area of responsibility.

I believe that Parramatta needs to play a lead role in protecting and enhancing the natural and built environment in order to achieve ecologically sustainable development so that a secure future for present and future generations is obtained.

In launching 'Truck Art Recycling Week' on behalf of the Lord Mayor, last November, I stated that our waste per person in Australia has grown by 32% over the last 10 years, and that while Australia recycles about 40% of our waste, countries like Germany and Norway recycl about 70% of theirs.

We have a lot to do!

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